Many people incorrectly believe that only women undergo body and face cosmetic procedures including a variety of surgical procedures. In fact, statistics show that more and more men are undergoing aesthetic procedures. This growing base of male patients are opting for facelifts to enhance their facial appearance and to stay competitive in the job market. Also, many men are undergoing body contouring procedures including liposuction and “six-pack” abdominal procedures.
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↓ See his results! ↓
Results may vary.
Plastic surgery for men is featured in Dr. Sheila Bond‘s “Liposuction: Men Are Doing It!” feature in the TV One documentary, “Black Don’t Crack”. Dr. Bond’s patient, Tyrone, makes having liposuction seem as natural as getting an oil change in his car!
What Aesthetic Procedures Are Popular For Men?
Surgical and Non-Surgical Facial Sculpting and Renewal Procedures
As with women, men also see as they age that their skin’s natural elasticity begins to break down, causing loose, sagging skin on the face and neck. Also, facial wrinkles deepen, crow’s feet around the eyes, eyelid sagging and undereye bags appear. Many men also a troubled by neck fat deposits and sagging skin or a double chin and stubborn abdominal fat pockets.
Dr. Sheila Bond advises her male patients that there are a variety of surgical and non-surgical procedures that can address cosmetic facial concerns. Procedures such as a facelift, a minimally invasive Thread Lift, neck lift, and facial liposuction to the chin can address sagging, loose skin and fat. A neck lift can create a stronger jawline; an upper and/or lower eyelid lift will open up heavy (hooded) eyes and address undereye bags and sags. Additionally, a nose job or rhinoplasty can sculpt your nose to a more desired shape.
A variety of injectables, such BOTOX® Cosmetic, Dysport® will temporarily reduce furrows and wrinkles in the forehead and advanced facial fillers; including, Radiesse®, and the family collection of Restylane®, and Juvéderm® products that will temporarily plump up the skin and fill in wrinkles and nasolabial folds.
Surgical Body Facial Sculpting and Renewal Procedures
With respect to body shaping and surgical contouring procedures, Dr. Sheila Bond offers gynecomastia (male breast surgery) to remove excess breast tissue, tummy tuck, liposuction (Six-Pack Abs) and a minimally invasive body shaping procedure called, SmartLipo®. These procedures are popular for men whose goal is to improve their body shape.
Cosmetic enhancement surgery is not just for women! There are many solutions to address facial renewal and body contouring concerns. If you are interested in exploring your options consult with Dr. Sheila Bond at The Body and Face Cosmetic and Plastic Specialists NJ to learn more about how you can achieve your aesthetic goals. Call (973) 509-0007 to schedule your confidential consultation.
Visit our plastic / cosmetic surgery office located in Montclair, New Jersey (NJ). We serve patients from the following area, such as Essex, Hudson, Passaic and Sussex counties, as well as Jersey City, Newark, NJ and all surrounding areas including New York (NY).
Meet Dr. Bond
Choose your cosmetic surgeon carefully. If you are seeking an experienced and acclaimed New York/New Jersey plastic surgeon who produces natural- looking results, contact BODY and FACE for the expert care of your surgical needs.