Expert Liposuction in Montclair, New Jersey
Are you troubled by the lumps and bumps on your body that are resistant to diet and exercise? Perhaps, you have heard the phrase by family and friends, “that’s just the way you’re built!” In truth, lumps and bumps are areas of unwanted fat deposits.
Dr. Sheila Bond and her professional body shaping experts at staff The Body and Face Cosmetic and Plastic Specialists NJ advise their patients that there is an answer to rid yourself of stubborn fat deposits. Dr. Bond advises that liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. Ideal candidates for liposuction are close to their ideal weight but have area of fat deposits on parts of their face and body and want to improve the shape and contour of their body.
Results may vary.
The skill and experience of the plastic surgeon performing your liposuction and the technique used are important to achieving optimal results. It is important that patients select a board-certified plastic surgeon who has the necessary education, training, skills and experience in performing liposuction procedures to avoid complications and sub-optimal results. Dr. Sheila Bond has performed thousands of liposuction procedures and is known for producing excellent results.
Individual results may vary.
Liposuction is a safe and effective cosmetic body shaping procedure that can help you achieve your desired look.
Who Is A Candidate For Liposuction?
Liposuction can successfully improve the shape and contour of men and women’s bodies. Liposuction safely and effectively removes excess fat from:
- Abdomen
- Arms
- Back
- Breast (male gynecomastia)
- Buttock
- Hips (Saddlebags)
- Neck (facial contouring)
- Waist (muffin top)
The best candidate for liposuction is a person who is physically healthy and of normal weight but with areas of excess fat that are resistant to regular diet and exercise. Patients with firm, elastic skin tend to achieve the best result. Patients with poor skin elasticity may not achieve optimal results.
What Are The Various Types Of Liposuction?
The liposuction technology used by the Dr. Sheila Bond at The Body and Face Cosmetic and Plastic Specialists NJ include:
- Power assisted liposuction (PAL) is performed using a specially designed cannula which uses tiny, rapid vibrations to break up fat cells so that they can be suctioned out of the body. Dr. Bond prefers this precise technology as she is able to remove more fat in a shorter period of time. Resulting in optimal results, a safer procedure and faster patient recovery time.
- Ultrasonic assisted- liposuction (UAL) is a type of liposuction procedure that liquefies fat cells before their removal. This is done with the use of an ultrasound waves to target fat cells.
Tumescent liposuction- a clinically proven technology were large quantities of fluid are injected into the target parts of the body. The tumescent technique of liposuction is a modification of the wet technique. The fluid enables the fat to be removed more easily, with less bleeding or trauma and added local anesthesia. It is used in all liposuction to some degree. - Laser Liposuction (SmartLipo®) uses laser energy to heat the excess sub-cutaneous fat pockets. SmartLipo® is an effective technology that targets troublesome fat deposits on your body to remove or reduce bulges. The significant advantage of this procedure is less downtown and recovery time is shorter than traditional liposuction.
Dr. Bond and her team of body shaping professionals will advise you which technology is best for you.
How Is Liposuction Performed?
Results may vary and are not guaranteed.
Traditional liposuction is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia most commonly, depending on how much liposuction is to be performed. Dr. Sheila Bond utilizes the Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL) for maximum and precise fat removal. Before the surgery, the Dr. Bond will clearly mark the areas to be liposuctioned. The procedure is performed through small, inconspicuous incisions that are hidden, for the most part, in the natural creases and contours of the body. A thin hollow tube, or cannula, is inserted through these incisions to loosen excess fat. The dislodged fat is then suctioned out of the body using a surgical vacuum attached to the cannula. The fat that is removed is either disposed of, or can be re-injected into depressions in the face, or in larger quantities, to round out the buttocks (See Brazilian Butt Lift).
A similar option to traditional Liposuction is SmartLipo®, a laser liposuction procedure which can be done omit under local anesthesia. (Learn more about SmartLipo®).
Individual results may vary.
What Is The Recovery From Liposuction Like?
The amount of time needed for liposuction will vary due to several factors, including the amount of fat being removed and the number of areas being treated. Generally, liposuction takes between one and three hours to complete and does not require an overnight stay at the hospital.
After surgery, you may experience some soreness, swelling, bruising, stiffness or temporary numbness. Fluid drainage from the incisions may occur. Dr. Sheila Bond will prescribe medication to help with any pain or discomfort that you feel, as well as antibiotics to prevent infection. After surgery, a snug compression garment, similar to a girdle, is worn to control swelling and compress the skin to the new body contours. Patients are encouraged to start walking around as soon as possible. You will notice an immediate change in the shape of your body after surgery, though the final results will be apparent when all of the swelling has completely faded. Generally, most patients are able to return to work within a week after surgery. Strenuous exercise, however, will need to be postponed for about four weeks*.
Liposuction Frequently Asked Questions
When will I see results from Liposuction?
What’s a compression garment? Why do I have to wear one after Liposuction?
I have a 'pouch' from having a baby. Can I liposuction my 'pouch'?
What’s the difference between SmartLipo® and regular Liposuction?
My friend just got liposuction of her stomach. She got on the scale the next day and weighed 2 pounds more than before the surgery. What happened?
Will Liposuction tighten loose skin?
Can I do Liposuction with a Brazilian Butt Lift?
There are many solutions to address body shaping and contouring concerns. If you are interested in liposuction performed by a plastic surgeon with extensive training and expertise in body shaping, consult with Dr. Sheila Bond at The Body and Face Cosmetic and Plastic Specialists NJ to learn more about how you can achieve your body contouring goals. Call (973) 509-0007 to schedule your confidential consultation.
Visit our plastic / cosmetic surgery office located in Montclair, New Jersey (NJ). We serve patients from the following area, such as Essex, Hudson, Passaic and Sussex counties, as well as Jersey City, Newark, NJ and all surrounding areas including New York (NY).
Meet Dr. Bond
Choose your cosmetic surgeon carefully. If you are seeking an experienced and acclaimed New York/New Jersey plastic surgeon who produces natural- looking results, contact BODY and FACE for the expert care of your surgical needs.